Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Day at Home + Ice Skating 12/22


The boys played an epic game of Monopoly together this morning for 2+ hours. They were *so* loud. I took the opportunity to test out my new camera indoors. Love it!


Anthony took out one of his animals ("anns") and said he was his mascot. Ramsey ran into his room and brought out one of his animals. Soon there was a plethora of animals on each boy's side!


Ramsey eventually won though it was neck and neck for a long time. He took the above 3 pics on my iPhone (there are more!) documenting his win. Ha ha.


Aunty Annie arrived at 12:30! The boys were so happy to see her! She brought the boys presents!

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We went ice skating in Palo Alto with John's family at 3:30-5:00. Ramsey said he remembered this rink though I don't think we've been there for 5+ years. I think Owen had his 5th or 6th birthday party there and I don't recall going after that. I'm not sure Ant has ice skated in the recent past. We all did go roller skating together within the last 2 years though. Anyway, the boys (John, Ram and Ant) get on the ice. Ant is pretty much walking on the ice instead of "skating" on the ice. Within 2 minutes they decide to play tag. Oh my! They were not following normal counter clock wise directional skating and were just cutting through people. Geesh. I think the highlight was getting hot chocolate and watching the Zamboni mid way through resurface the ice. Ant was done by 4:30. He said his feet hurt. He had not improved that much but wasn't "walking" anymore. Ram skated until the end and he improved a lot! He wasn't choppy and was confident in stopping by skating in a circle. He figured it out. When we got back, Aunty Annie had split pea soup on the stove for us!

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