Monday, September 28, 2015

Sports Extravaganza

Again, a busy sports weekend. Schedule was Ramsey Sat 8:00 baseball game in San Jose (tied 2-2 and then the other team had a walk off run in the bottom of the 6th for a loss for Ram's team), 12:30 baseball game (ugly, game ended in a mercy in the top of the 4th at 11-0 what an ugly loss), 2:45 basketball game in Pleasanton (win) and 5:00 basketball game (win, Ram played most of this game). Anthony Sat 12:00 baseball game (win). Ramsey Sun 10:15 baseball game in San Jose (tied 3-3, tie breaker 7th inning and they won 7-3!), 12:45 basketball game in Pleasanton (which they won the championship), and then 2:45 baseball game back in San Jose (loss 9-4). Anthony Sun 9:50 soccer scrimmage (tie). Lots of driving and sports! I only got to see the Sat 8:00 Ramsey baseball game, the Sat 12:00 Anthony baseball game and the Sun 9:50 Anthony soccer game so that is all the pictures you will get to see too!

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I'm trying to catch more action shots -- above right is Ramsey catching a ball that came to his position (1st base) and stepping on the base for an out. Too bad you can't see more action in this shot.

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Here's a better example of Ram at 1st base. He catches the ball in the left photo and the batter/runner is already out by the time he steps on 1st. Too bad I can't see Ramsey too much in the left photo.

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Anthony pitched and caught (no pics of that) in his fall ball game. He also switch hits and batted lefty and got a double!

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Ant played goalie for 1/2 of the soccer game on Sunday. His team (white) played the younger team that his coach (Ray) coaches and I expected his team to win big. However the younger team (one year younger but about the same size height wise) is quite good.

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