Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mini-Me and Me


Ant and I took selfies last night before bed (he was already wearing his red soccer uni to bed) and after soccer today at a pasta restaurant (which wasn't very good…sigh…but we were STARVING at 1:45 when we left Morgan Hill and couldn't wait until we got home). We're going to try to take more everyday selfies. I call him my Mini-Me because Hen thinks we are so much alike. Are we? Today at soccer, Olivier's mom told me that last fall (Olivier and Ant were on the same AYSO soccer team that Hen helped coach) she thought Anthony was adopted because she didn't think he looked anything like Hendrik and she never saw me at games. Yes I missed a lot of those games because it conflicted with Ram's baseball and soccer games and since Hen helped coach, he went to Ant's soccer games. Wow, I never thought about it but Hen and Ant may not look enough like to be father-son to some people. I think Hen and Ram look enough alike to be father-son but perhaps not Hen and Ant?

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