Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Homework Time


Hendrik has been trying to encourage both boys to learn to code. Ramsey has done a few things with Scratch. Hen heard that the Hour of Code's weekly feature was on Minecraft (which both boys love currently) and got Ant started on programming with Minecraft. Ant **LOVES** it and got started yesterday morning before school. When it was time for Ramsey to get dropped off for baseball (and then NJB basketball practice), Ant said, "You go Mama, Hen will stay home with me to code." Wow, he specifically selected Hen (and yes both boys call him Hen and not Dad for some reason) and not me, which is super unusual. Hen ended up taking Ram anyway and I stayed next to Ant and helped him code. He did **GREAT**!!! This morning he asked to do more coding but Hen warned him that he was done with the  Minecraft stuff with Hour of Code. There's hope for him to be an engineer/software designer/tech person!


Anthony needs to write (and the teachers encourage typing) 5 sentences a week. Here he is hunting and pecking with his fingers on my laptop. My bunny (which Annie so kindly brought back to CA from HI) is his homework buddy.

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